Ideology with Religious Fervor
Veganism started as an ethical choice to minimize animal suffering but has increasingly evolved into an ideological movement with religious overtones. In its extreme form, vegans are portrayed as morally superior, while non-vegans are seen as ethically inferior. Like religions, there are rituals, proselytism, and rigid dogmas that often disregard scientific facts. Instead of true freedom, radical veganism leads to a new, divisive dogma that polarizes society and demands ideological conformity.
Wokeism as a Modern Substitute Religion
Wokeism promises progress but, in truth, leads to division and regression. Instead of real equality, it creates new injustices by placing ideological dogmas above facts. By undermining scientific knowledge and politicizing language, this movement drives society apart. Like religions, Wokeism offers clear enemies, moral absolutes, and rituals that restrict individual freedoms.